Customers of Choose Summer Viatti, the online store of tyres and wheels, made is TOP of the best-selling summer tyres for 2021-2022. And the products of KAMA TYRES, the tyre manufacturing business of TATNEFT Group, have taken first three positions. Thus, the Viatti Strada Asimmetrico line-up is the leader with the 4.77% share in total sales. The Viatti Bosco A/T (3.21%) is in second place.

“KAMA TYRES products are the best tyres in terms of price-quality ratio. Russian automakers appreciate our tyres not only for its reliability and operational advantages, but also for the wide range of models for various road and weather conditions,” Timur Sharipov, CEO of KAMA Trading House, said.

Viatti Strada Asimmetrico summer tyres are designed for passenger car driving on urban roads and highways due to the specifics of Russian roads. Even at high speeds, the load on the tyre is as even as possible, and the movement is stable. Specially reinforced massive ribs located in the center and outer side of the tread provide it. The unique mix of the rubber compounds enables good performance of Viatti Strada Asimmetrico at temperatures from +2°C to +55°C. The tyres are available in R13-R18 sizes.

Viatti Bosco A/T summer tyres are specially designed for CUVs and light SUVs. The manufacturer has taken into account all the needs and nuances of driving SUVs, so the tyres combine comfort, reliability, stability and controllability while driving, as well as the ability to withstand significant dynamic loads, while remaining an energy efficient product. The tyres are available in R15-R18 sizes.
